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Macpherson Corporate Advisory

ADR and Litigation Consulting

It might feel as though you've reached the end of the line, but you're not alone.

Adapt and survive.

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Macpherson Corporate Advisory.

Macpherson Corporate Advisory is a boutique ADR and litigation services specialist with over 25 years of experience in International Criminal, Corporate and Commercial litigation, and all forms of alternative dispute resolution, providing the expertise to help effectively manage all and any litigation threats you or your business face. From the very start of the process, we listen to our clients, focusing on their needs and concerns and explaining in plain language the risks being faced and the potential solutions available.

Threat Analysis

Business Meeting

Understand the Process

We examine and identify the presenting litigation threat and determine the seriousness and credibility of the risk, whilst explaining the legal background procedures and process to be followed in plain and simple language. We want to understand why you are in this situation and we will provide you with the skills, services and knowledge to own the process you've found yourself in, not be a victim of it.

Strategic Planning

Business Meeting

Find the way through

Developing a plan and being flexible aren't mutually exclusive. By utilising our experience before the courts of the United Kingdom and by accessing our extensive network of contacts throughout numerous jurisdictions, we can deliver a bespoke litigation management package to deal with the ups and downs of the judicial process, so you don't have to. In understanding what you face and why, we can effectively control and moderate costs, expectations and outcomes for all parties.

Recovery and Growth

Business Meeting

Defend Your Business

Crisis management in litigation requires a quick and effective response with defined outcomes based upon an understanding of expense exposure, reputational damage and financial risk. The immediate execution of a defined and agreed plan of action is essential in limiting the impact of the presenting threat. Control of the process is the key to the efficient management of the litigation process and with over 25 years of experience, offices in three Capital Cities and a 24/7 response service, Macpherson Corporate are the only team you can rely upon to defend yourself from the presenting risk.

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Judge's Table

Adapt and Survive

At Macpherson Corporate Advisory, we understand that litigation can be expensive and the consequences potentially disastrous. Since we began, we’ve been helping companies and individuals of all sizes respond to litigation and economic threats of all types. Our years of active experience have taught us to listen and explain the options in plain english, to help you make the decisions that you need to, from a position of strength.

Based in central London,with offices in Geneva and Edinburgh, our team are on call 24/7 to help you develop strategies for not only surviving the presenting crisis, but for fixing the problem. 

With a multi-lingual and multidisciplinary around the clock approach, drawn from all aspects of the legal and forensic accountancy sectors, we can manage the problem so you don't have to.

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Speaking with the Judge

The Management Team

Macpherson Corporate Advisory has a hands-on team of exceptional and results-driven leaders who work with our international clientele. Our team is experienced in all areas of ADR, litigation, forensic accounting and economic recovery, and we are adaptable to the fast-changing and increasingly complex business litigation environment and available when you need us. Read below to learn more about our key players.

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Brown Leather Shoes

Niall Macpherson Mickel

Senior Partner and Legal Counsel

With over 25 years experience as a practicing Solicitor and Solicitor Advocate, Niall advises clients in relation to all aspects of international commercial and criminal litigation, arbitration, adjudication, mediation, and cross-border dispute resolution as well as corporate restructuring and is a member of the International Bar Association, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and The Law Society of Scotland, The Honourable Society of Middle Temple and the Institute of Chartered Accountants (England and Wales) Tax Faculty. With a reputation for plain talking and decisive action, Niall delivers straightforward advice whenever it's required.

Contact Us

Please note that all requests for assistance are screened in accordance with our client engagement policies. We would be grateful if you might send an email outlining the current difficulty you or your Company faces, and if you might detail your company or personal circumstances, that would greatly assist us in the screening process. Once this has been reviewed by our senior team and if we consider at our sole discretion that we are in a position to assist, we will contact you. Please note that no data sent by you will be held by us unless you are taken on as a client of Macpherson Corporate LLP and all information forwarded to us will be held in absolute confidence. Telephone details and office addresses will only be released to clients of the firm.

Thanks for submitting!

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Frequently Asked Questions

( The hard faqs )


How do I know that Macpherson Corporate Advisory is the right consulting agency for me?

if you've read this far on the website, then you are obviously considering using our services. Many litigation consultants will take your time and money and do little else than parrot back what any lawyer would say. We are different. We provide litigation consultancy services and advice to an international client base in some of the toughest jurisdictions in the world. When you are a client of Macpherson Corporate, you give us your problem and your mandate, and in return we promise that we will sort it out to the best of our ability. We have the experience, track record and reach to make the crisis management decisions which make a difference. We are confident that if you are asking the question, we can provide the answer.

How do you deal with services for niche companies?

Every litigation is different and its effects on a company, its reputation and its stakeholders are all unique. At Macpherson Corporate, we've lived through many litigation crises, and we've held the hand and directed the recovery of many individuals and companies that have faced difficulty; from black swan events, to Revenue investigations, from international criminal proceedings to high value corporate liquidations; between us, we've seen most things and as a consequence we understand that with any threat you face, you will need a shoulder to cry on as well as a strong arm to use. Our bespoke service is tailored to each client's specific event and with an international set-up and access to legal advice and assistance throughout the world, we know that our service is second to none.

Are you just another Solicitors firm ?

No, we are not a Solicitors firm. We are a  multidisciplinary practice providing non-reserved legal services as well as litigation and crisis management; Whilst some of our partners and members might be qualified Solicitors, Barristers  or Accountants, the nature of this consultancy firm is to manage litigation threats and this incorporates the active management of Solicitors, Accountants, Counsel and other legal specialists who are in turn regulated by The Solicitors Regulation Authority, The Bar Standards Board, The Law Society of Scotland and The Institute of Chartered Accountants. In multi-jurisdictional cases, we act on a client mandate as a firm of litigation consultants and manage the entire process, simply so that you don't have to. We are not another Solicitors firm and what we most certainly don't do, is act as just another local firm of Solicitors.

Is this a really expensive exercise ?

We all know that litigation isn't cheap. however neither is the recovery from serious reputational damage or at worst forfeiting your house. Fee structures can and are tailored to each client individually and if you are a fit for us, we will make sure that fees are the last thing that you need to worry about. At this stage, penny wise and pound foolish isin't the best advice you can get and if you have found yourself paying a large amount of fees and are still searching and reading this website, it's probably time to contact us.

Can I obtain references and client testimonials ?

Perhaps understandably, our former and current clients are slightly shy about publicly announcing their difficulties, however If you are taken on as a client by Macpherson Corporate, and further to signing a standard non-disclosure agreement, we are happy to share the numerous positive recommendations and testimonials that we have received over the years.

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